October 31, 2017
Top 10 Halloween Safety Tips
Top 10 Halloween safety tips
Trick-or-treat! Halloween is a fun time of year for both children and adults. This holiday continues to gain popularity and is now the second most celebrated behind Christmas. Whether you’re hosting a party, decorating your house or trick-or-treating with little ghost and goblins, here are some tips to have a fun and safe Halloween.
- Out of town — Halloween can be a popular time for burglary and vandalism; make sure to set your home security system, activate motion sensor lights and alert your neighbors that you’ll be out of town
- Jack-o-Lantern safety — Illuminating your jack-o-lanterns smile with a real candle can be dangerous especially since a pet or child can easily knock it over; we suggest using a battery-powered light instead
- Clean your yard — remove leaves and brush to create a clear path to your home for trick-or-treaters or party guests to help avoid a liability
- Clark Griswold of Halloween — if you plan on sprucing the exterior of your home, follow manufacturer installation instructions and if anything includes electrical, verify there is a certification mark from UL, CSA, ETL or another nationally recognized laboratory. Don’t forget any exterior light should be plugged into a GFCI outlet
- Avoid candles — we also suggest avoiding candles for your Halloween bash; instead use witches hats, skeletons and spider webs to set the mood
- Serving alcohol — will you be serving alcohol to guests? Never serve to anyone underage and protect those who will be driving by serving non-alcoholic beverages. Remember, if you charge a cover-free, this could be considered a business activity so it’s best to consult with your local independent insurance agent to discuss coverage
- Kids safety — Make sure kids costumes are flame resistant, apply reflective tape to their costumes and bags so children are more visible to motorists and remind your child to always look both ways when crossing the street
- Remembering your furry friends — Keep your pet inside or somewhere safe so they don’t get spooked by the freights and costumes. Another hazard for animals is Halloween candy, which can be deadly, especially dogs. For their well-being, make sure pets are safe inside and that all treats are stored somewhere they can’t access
- Driving defensively — Halloween is the deadliest day of the year for young pedestrians.+ Keep your kids safe by having them only cross at designated cross walks, wearing reflective tape if trick-or-treating in the dark and staying close to an adult. And drivers, pay extra attention to your surroundings
- Check your homeowner’s policy — contact us at 508-393-2000 to ensure you are adequately covered for such things like slips and trips or any other type of injury that may occur in your home or yard during Halloween. It’s never good to find out you weren’t covered after you have a claim